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Cantabs 2s go down to Medics

Yet another higgedly piggeldy squad, caused by more pull outs than Ron Jeremy, cobbled together on a Saturday morning boarded the bus to Norwich.

Cantabs were starting up the hill but receiving the kick off. The first twenty minutes of the game or so went scoreless and without note.

Some excellent defence from Cantabs combined with some less than clinical attack saw us remain in our first half for the majority.

Norwichs orange fly half opted for the points after sir found something at fault. He then proceeded to kick wide from bang in front. He must be related to Rick Peters.

Medics eventually found their way through for a few scores after we kept gifiting them terrotiry.

The set piece was a mixed bag with the scrum dominant all day but the Medics beating us at almost every line out.

Cantabs finally used their heads for the last period of the first half and began using their superior mass in the middle to make a few in roads. Norwich finally on the back foot but Cs ran out of time.

The second half began much better with the Cs playing to their new game plan. We eventually managed to crash over and get ourselves on the board (I cant remember who scored it though?).

An injury, yet again, to Rick Peters saw him leave the field which meant a reshuffled back line. The ever impressive Beasley moving to full back, Rob to 10 and Oli coming onto the wing.

We then began to lose our way a little once more and Medics managed to capitalise.

A bad day at the office but certainly some positives to take out of it.

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